Question for anyone! Especially Pittsburghers!?
Do you guys remember 9/11? What was your story! Where were you and what happened! Does anyone else remember Pittsburgh when flight 93 crashed near here? The chaos that in-sued. The ramped panic the people where thrust into? The rumors spread like wildfires and everyone thought they lost somebody. Phone lines clogged. Military agents walking down the hallways of our buildings armed to the teeth with AK-47's. So now, I want to know what happened to you? Where were you? How did you react? WHo was your first call? Give me your story please! Oh, and none of this. "My mother worked on floor 80 of the WTC 1 and helped everyone get out and then she died!" No she didn't. We all know your faking and it's sick how you use the death of thousands of people to have false sympathy thrown upon you for some kind of sick demented way to feel good about yourself. TRUE STORY'S ONLY! Thanks! Yes, I forgot to add. The reason I am asking is that day is coming up in 5 days now.
Other - News & Events - 2 Answers
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1 :
On that day of infamy, this resident of the Pittsburgh area did three main things: 1. in the morning, I drove around doing various errands while I listened (with increasing anger) to the news on the radio; 2. fielded calls from relatives concerned about my well-being in light of the plane turning around near Pittsburgh and crash landing in Somerset; and 3. stayed home watching TV (on the topic of that day's terrible events) after my evening shift at an office supply store I worked at then was cancelled because customers were not coming in.
2 :
Watching the reaction of bush as if he knew it was going to take place.